Full Guidance For Apixaban
If Creatinine Clearance <15 ml/min:
Not recommended to commence on Apixaban
If Creatinine Clearance 15 - 29 ml/min:
2.5mg Twice Daily
If Creatinine Clearance ≥30 ml/min & ≤1 of the following: 1) Age ≥80, 2) Weight ≤60 Kg, 3) Serum creatinine ≥133µmol/L:
5mg Twice Daily
If Creatinine Clearance ≥30 ml/min & ≥2 of the following: 1) Age ≥80, 2) Weight ≤60 Kg, 3) Serum creatinine ≥133µmol/L:
2.5mg Twice Daily
Please see MedicineMonitoring.com for Apixaban monitoring requirements.